June 26, 2024

29th Gift: Curated Experiences to Practice Resilience

This week is part of a series called “29th Gifts.” Each month, around the 29th, we’re giving away a tool we’ve built for free or at a steep discount. Let’s dive into this week’s gift!

We’re only officially six days into summer, yet it seems to be in full swing. If you’re embracing it like me, you might be planning a BBQ or mapping out a road trip. Personally, I’m finding any excuse to get outdoors, and it seems others are doing the same. The parks and streets are full of life, and the energy is contagious.

For some, summer is the busiest time of the year. This is especially true of parents whose kids are out of school. During a recent meeting, one of our team members joked about the peace she felt after her kids started summer camp. The house was finally quiet for her!

Besides the quiet, she was also really glad her kids were having fun and getting to try new things. It was something she missed from childhood. In fact, we all missed it.

“Why aren’t there any summer camps for adults?” one of us laughed, “I’d love to go to camp!”

A 29th Gift for Summer

A few years ago, the team and I led an experiment called Playlists. It encompassed a bit of the summer camp spirit. A one-month, open-community program that introduced participants to new ideas, frameworks, and tools in a safe space where they could explore and experiment. Learners were guided and encouraged by Ei facilitators and cheered on by fellow participants from all over the world who were also trying new things.

Resilience c/o 2022 and our Playlists learning platform.

Playlists offered bite-sized learning experiences that folks could fit into their days as they saw fit. They ranged from less than 20 minutes all the way up to daily practices meant to be done for months at a time. We designed these activities around a key skill for modern work: resilience.

Today, as our 29th Gift, we’re sharing some of our most impactful resilience playlist experiences with you.

Welcome to Camp Resilience

While we don’t have any cabins by the lake where you can roll out your sleeping bag, you can think of these exercises as your friendly and encouraging camp counselors, guiding you through new experiences meant to be fun, challenging, and impactful. They’ve been designed so you can immediately jump into an experience with minimal planning, just like at camp. We’ve got your resilience kayak all set up for you, you just need to grab the paddle.

If you don’t have a break coming up, don’t fret. Many of these activities were built to slot into your day-to-day, so you can still build resilience with whatever time you have.

Download these experience prompts here.

Making Room for Our Own Break

The Ei team and I are heading into our annual summer shutdown. It’s an intentional week for the entire crew to pause and reset. I suppose you could say it’s our version of summer camp. We often use it to rest and engage in some of our favorite activities, and we always come back energized and focused.

However you decide to spend this season, I hope you find a moment to rest and recenter.

We’ll see you in a couple of weeks. Until then, happy Wednesday.

The Spark You’ve Been Looking For

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