August 22, 2013

One Million Jobs

Since the recession began in 2007, the US has been struggling with high rates of unemployment. Even though there have been occasional signs of improvement, we’re still nowhere near where we should be.

So, how do we solve the unemployment problem in America? My good friend and Experience Institute Connector, Alex Bogusky + his wife Ana have a relatively simple solution—consume 5% more American made products. Keep in mind, we are not telling you to buy more, but to buy smarter.

But as we know, it takes a village to create real change and though Bogusky’s solution is simple, it will take all of us to do our part. So, how can we help? Participate in Bogusky’s million jobs project:

  1. Watch the video
  2. Take the pledge
  3. Share this project with at least two friends

We’re in. And we think you should be too.

Here’s to one million jobs...

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