November 10, 2015

Geodesic Domes: No Place Like Home

The month of October was packed with all types of consciousness and technology explorations. These experiences covered conferences such as Transformative Technology and Science and Nonduality, immersive studies involving interactions with subtle vibrational energy systems, as well as attending workshops and consciousness hacking events.

“We need to find within technology that there is something we can do which is capable of taking care of everybody, and to demonstrate that this is so. That’s what geodesic domes are about and that’s what my whole life has been about.” –Buckminster Fuller

Throughout all these crazy adventures, there surfaced a magical re-occurrence of geodesic domes in my life. I can’t help but explore the synchronicities! This includes a fun contemplation regarding the role they play in the external reflection of my internal pursuit – all based in energy proficiency, structural veracity and the ability to endure all types of natural disasters with resiliency and grace.

While gathering to explore the depths of consciousness with many other curious beings, we met in a white mystical dome in the mountains. My current understanding is that this is a group who all share a pursuit of continual discoveries around the threshold of where deep internal revelations meet the power of external collective physicalities. The dome blanketed our ambitious group with love while we dove into uncharted territories together. The acoustics in the structure were exceptionally fun for experimentation.

The second dome that emerged ended up being the place in which I am now living. Nestled up in the Woodside Highlands of California is a heartwarming dome community that welcomed me with open arms. I was told that these domes were originally built as a hippie commune. My experience living here has involved feeling an environment of inclusivity from the neighbors as well as a certain wisdom from the enchanting domes themselves. Gratitude flowing.

A third dome intersected my explorations and served as my roof for four nights at the Science and Nonduality Conference. This white geodesic dome was erected on the lawn outside of the mansion in which the conference was being held. After long days of mind-bending conversations, we’d have tea parties and music in this geodome as night fell. Curled up in a sleeping bag under the spherical geometry, I slept soundly and my dreams ran free.

While diving into the unknown and learning to thrive in ambiguity, these unexpected geodesic domes have offered welcomed shelter. Their embodiment of an open spaciousness, while concurrently remaining structurally profound, has offered a grand metaphor for the attributes I am also cultivating within my own self.

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