You know you’re living when it all becomes a blur...
This is a line from one of my favorite songs by The Growlers and it couldn’t be more perfect to describe this past year with Experience Institute. As the founding class comes together to prepare for EXPO, our first-ever graduation celebration, we’ve taken a lot of time to reflect on all we’ve done and everything we learned along the way.
One of my greatest challenges was documentation—writing, photographing, and collecting items that would spark the most vivid memories. Although I still have room for improvement, what I have been able to do is write in my (almost) daily gratitude journal. At the end of the day I’ll quickly jot down things that are going well, pleasant surprises, and feelings of joy shared with others. It’s great to see how all of this can come together to present interesting insights.
The amazing ride of life seems to come in cycles of waves and sometimes during the highest crests everything happens so quickly that when we finally have a moment to breathe, we can’t remember the sweet details. Documenting along the way has been incredibly valuable as a way to share our stories with others and see our own progress throughout the year. No matter how you choose to document, be consistent and I’m sure you’ll enjoy the outcome.
Document. Enjoy. Repeat.