April 17, 2013

Why are you here?

If you've been following along, you know that the past eighteen months have been a whirlwind of taking good risks, building new relationships, and learning great things. It's still hard to believe 2012 and my Leap Year are over. But, in several ways, it seems like things are just beginning.

As you can tell, I've come to believe that learning through real-world experiences is remarkably valuable. So much so, that I'm investing every ounce of energy, time, and resources to see if we can create a type of higher education based on that simple idea.

But why?

That's a good question. In fact, it may be the most important question you ask anyone who's starting something. Visiting the source of our hopes and ideas is often what powers us through the challenges.

Now, it doesn't take much research to find articles about the inflated cost of higher education. Everyone seems to be talking about how much higher education is changing and a lot of people are trying to find new ways forward. In the same way we saw a dawn of new technology in the seventies, we're seeing a dawn of a new education in our world today. It's exciting, to say the least.

But, I'm not here because this is the new hot topic.

I'm here because I believe education is where we come face to face with who we want and need to become -- it's the space that we learn about ourselves, our world, and how we'll make it better.

And, at the core of who I am, I love people. I believe that our world doesn't change just because of good ideas or flashy widgets, it changes because of people -- the ones who see potential, work hard, and are given space to try new things.

That's why I'm here.

Now, don't get me wrong, I know we need solid systems, structures, benchmarks, partnerships, and most of all, great students. My desk and computer have a plethora of spreadsheets and one-pagers, and I'm sharing a record-breaking number of conversations to research how to do this. I know this thing won't fly on big hearts and good intentions alone, but I do think it's important that you know that both of those things are part of what got us here and they continue to move us forward.

The plans are taking shape and amazing people are helping with the details. Best of all, those people aren't just talented, they share the same values too. So, if you'd like to join that team of investors or sponsors, drop us a line at hello@experienceinstitute.flywheelsites.com. Or, if you're interested in joining the founding class of students or connectors, just submit your application above.

Starting this will be no small feat. But with the right people who are fueled by the right things, we'll create something that will be helpful for individuals, businesses, universities, and our world; and that's where I want to be

So, why are you here?

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