July 13, 2015

Where are they now? Third and final term.

Our students are already well into their third and final term. And in less than two months they’ll be back in Chicago to share and celebrate at EXPO. Time is flying.

Before this term is all but passed, we’d like to share where the students have landed and what work and learnings they’re tackling.

Zeke Bogusky, our current class’ only pre-college student, has returned to his hometown of Boulder, CO, to do video work at Visibl.io, a visual advertising startup focused on working for small businesses. He’s also spending time with a brand-enhancing creative collective called Lumenati, taking photos for an upcoming Kickstarter launch of theirs. When he’s not working, he can often be seen frequenting Dunkin Donuts for sugary sustenance.

Stephanie Kang is putting her relational strength to work for her as she’s focused on employee engagement, event planning, marketing and tenant experience for Equity Commonwealth, a real estate investment trust based in Chicago. When she’s not working, she often finds herself enjoying macarons, fresh bread, and quiche at a French bakery near her apartment.

Jonathan Lazatin is working as a design and engineering coach at NuVu Studio in Cambridge, MA. The studio is in fact a school for middle and high school students, and maintains a pedagogy emphasizing multidisciplinary and collaborative projects. His favorite Cambridge haunts also revolve around delicious treats (food, coffee, dessert), but he also finds creative comfort in Cambridge’s Museum of Fine Arts.

Toph Carter has returned to Chicago to contribute to content strategy and UX design at Ogilvy and Mather. After entertaining the idea of three very different cities for his third term, he’s happy to be resident in the city that plays continual host to the Improv Olympics – at which he can be regularly spotted laughing and amazed.

Chevy Williams is working with frog design at their studio in Austin, TX, as a design researcher. Currently, they are working on a project geared toward easing the aging process for both the elderly and their caregivers; a focus that is particularly close to her heart. When she’s not immersed in the world of human-centered design, she’s often found at Cenote (look at their menu and you’ll understand why).

Lance Henderstein is currently speaking Japanese in Italy. Let us clarify: As Lance works on copywriting, translations (English/Japanese), photography and public relations for a Japanese company called Umari, he is doing so all while stationed in Milan, Italy. The project that brought him there is called Peace Kitchen, a food-centric initiative promoting community and learning around the dinner table. Though his work days are very long, they take place at a beautiful 450-year-old farm house in the middle of Milan called Cascina Cuccagna. La vita e bella.

Zak Tracy went back east for his final term – the Far East – to Hong Kong, that is. He’s working as an investment fund associate in a state-of-the-art coworking space called CoCoon. The space caters to entrepreneurs and startups looking to build their team and secure resources to make their ideas a reality. Though he’s on the opposite side of the world, Zak’s found a little bit of Minnesota on the South China Sea by spending some time sailing around Lamma Island.

Nicole McCabe is taking this term to design a web application that explores segregation along Chicago Transit Authority’s Red Line. When she’s not developing her own app, she serves as a TA for a mobile development course at Blue1647 – planning lessons on JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and Ionic. And when she’s not debugging code, she’s joined a group of volunteers working to archive and catalogue holographs from the Museum of Holography, before it’s torn down and turned into a bed and breakfast. Most of the time, she works out of Dev Bootcamp’s campus space.

Olenka Hand is working as a designer at Bunkhouse, a hospitality management company in Austin, Texas. She is continuing to learn how to create environments that delight and refresh all those who enter them, acting as a project coordinator on a few of the company’s properties before they are open to the public this fall. To refresh herself, she has been carving out time to take regular dips into Austin’s famous Deep Eddy Pool.

Melanie Kahl is continuing her work with Dalberg Design as an advising consultant within their social/economic impact group; which focuses on raising the standard of living in developing countries. The work has taken her from NYC to Bangalore and now on to Hong Kong and Vietnam. If you’d like to see where she hangs out while abroad, check out her always-lovely Instagram feed.

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