May 04, 2015
Rewind my life back 1 year.
I was prepping for graduation, working a job that - though I didn't hate - wasn't right for me, and searching for a job after college. At that point, I would have taken anything that was more interesting with better pay. My background in communication had prepared me well for applications and I knew the drill.
I had it down pat and I was proud of my (semi) customized emails. I could send to 2-4 companies per day. From these e-mails I got several calls, many interviews, and a couple of offers - but nothing that I was dying to do. Looking back now, it's because I was spamming companies with my resume. And guess what, I wasn't the only one doing it. This poor HR manager was having to look through thousands of these ill-crafted and fakely-passionate self-promotions to hopefully find someone who was truly right for the job.
There are a lot of similarities between finding new clients and job searching. I've had an "AHA" about these things during this year with Ei, and especially during my time with Soulsight. Here is a brief synopsis of my learnings.
My new rule of thumb: If I'm not willing to put in 8 hours working on an application, then it isn't a job that I want badly enough.
Stop spamming HR and treat each application as a process to learn more about yourself and other organizations. It's all worth it for a project you'll love!
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