October 02, 2013

The Value of Real Connections

Higher Education is long overdue for a make over. And, even with the President and his Administration on the side for change, we have yet to collectively agree on solutions. With debates varying from MOOCs, online degrees, costs, debt, to the skills gap, the space continues to struggle.

But, what does the future of Higher Education look like?

In my opinion, it is a healthy fusion of on and offline learning resources. The fact is, digital learning won’t take over because it is lacking one very important element—real connections.

At Experience Institute, we make use of digital learning tools while placing a lot of value on real interactions with people. That is because there’s nothing better than engaging others with a smile, impromptu conversation, and a firm handshake. A valuable trust is gained this way as these gestures are more memorable and meaningful than sending/accepting an online request or clicking a thumbs up icon.

Aware of the true impact real connections have for our students, we made sure that the first Meetup was saturated with real time interactions that took place outside of the traditional classroom and in unexpected ways. Even our Welcome Dinner, held in a basement of a vintage Chicago building, cultivated real connections that will last beyond the 12-months at Ei.

Now, turn off the social media and connect with those who support you in real time.

I promise that you won't regret it.

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