October 03, 2014

Learning to Leap

Meetup #1 has come to a close and I’ve learned 3 things that have changed the way I think about my world.

  1. In a world where you can be anything, be willing.
  2. Action breeds passion. Not the other way around.
  3. Growth and comfort do not coexist.

Throughout the meetup sessions we learn things about ourselves. We learn how our perceptions shape our reality, how to communicate effectively and execute efficiently. We learn to tell our story and to invite others to join in it. And we practice all of these things by learning to be uncomfortable, to even find shreds of comfort in the uncomfortable.

We learn to take leaps into the unknown and it is invigorating. Some of us take small leaps and others big. But what I’m learning is that it’s not the size of the leap that dictates the outcome. It is simply the mindset, the mantra, the attitude — to be willing. In a world where you can be anything, be willing.

When we learn to release fear of judgement, pressures to excel, and the expectation of success, the world around us changes. It no longer has to be a place where we just do the things we are comfortable doing or only the things we are good at. The world transforms into a place where we can play and a place where we can experiment. It becomes a place where we can fail. This is the world I want to live in. Through the process of trying, we can learn what makes us come alive. Action breeds passion. Not the other way around.

We all have dreams and hopes for the future. We have visions of ourselves 10/20/50 years from now. But too many of us find comfort in the stable, the expected, the path of least resistance. We find refuge in the knowns and we slowly forget what it’s like to really do something we don’t already know.

For the last month I have been sharing a scheduled call with a dear friend of mine. She offers advice and also happens to be an extremely talented life coach. We talk about hopes for our future selves and how to best get from thinking to being. She calls these periods of time the moments at the ‘border’. When we push ourselves to make change in our lives our mind often tries to convince us otherwise. Self doubt, rationalization, and thoughts of inferiority creep in and pull us back. This is completely normal. The trick is to recognize it and make the conscious choice to push on into the unknown. Growth and comfort do not coexist.

Keep leaping and thanks for joining us. We’re happy you’re here.


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