May 01, 2024

Leap Talks

Something special happened on Monday, something we won’t forget anytime soon.

Let me rewind.

In preparation for Leap Day (February 29th), we worked with dozens of organizers to host 75+ events around the globe — inviting people to consider the leaps they needed to take next in their lives and work. We invented a holiday, and it was awesome.

But we didn’t stop there.

From these gatherings, plus our SXSW workshop in early March, hundreds of folks in our extended community committed to taking on a Leap, a self-directed project aimed at personal or professional growth. From redesigning their workplaces, to venturing out as solopreneurs, to writing children's books, our community embarked on diverse projects, each driven by a thirst for meaningful growth.

Along the way…

Erin Murphy from our team wrote weekly nudge emails to keep the momentum going. And teammates from Ei hosted “Leaps Clubs” for accountability and community.

Then, two days ago…

We came together for Leap Talks to reflect on the journey. Our Leapers shared lessons far beyond their specific projects—lessons grounded in self-awareness, community, letting go of perfectionism, expressing vulnerability, and embracing action even when the path ahead seems unclear.

Leap Day and the journey that followed has been one of the highlights of our work at Experience Institute. And we don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. More on that soon.

But for now, what’s next for you?

If you’re leading a team…

… how might you empower your team members to identify areas for personal and professional growth, and provide them with the resources and support needed to pursue their learning goals?

If you’re thinking about a Leap… might you design your own “container” for a Leap? When will you start, who will hold you accountable, what are your checkpoints, and how will you share at the end?

If you’re in the middle of a Leap…

…how can you share more of your journey with others to cement your learning through reflection and to continue building momentum towards your goal? Whether it’s a zoom call with peers or a meetup with colleagues — share often.

And thank you!

To the dozens of others who joined in this first “lap” of Leap Year 2024, we feel so grateful to be learning with you.

We’re just beginning. More soon.

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