March 27, 2024

Launching: "29th Gifts"

This week, we’re starting something new! On the week of the 29th of every month this year, we’re going to share a learning product we’ve designed and either give it away to the community at a steep discount or completely free. We’re calling these “29th Gifts.” You’ll have a couple of days to take advantage of them. We’ve never done this before, but it’s a Leap Year so let’s give it a try. Here's the first one!

Four years ago…

The pandemic had only just begun. Like you, I was stunned and uncertain about…well…everything.

Throughout the prior year, our team had been working furiously to develop a new product. We had taken the concept of our award-winning Leap Kit and wondered about a smaller format. We know that when people are thinking about their next life or work experience, they’re often talking with a friend at a coffee shop, or a manager at the office, or a loved one at a dining table. So we wanted our next tool to be smaller than a poster, but still interactive and productive.

We studied all kinds of physical products — from journals to mini-whiteboards. But we kept returning to cards. They’re playful, small, and you can pack in a lot of content.

The other thing we use a lot around Ei is mind-mapping. There’s something so lovely about starting with some words/ideas and then building upon them to find clues and connections.

After months of trials…

We landed on a simple deck of cards. We called them: What’s Worth Doing. In 2019, it hit Kickstarter and was fully funded within a few days of launching!

How do the cards work?

What's Worth Doing uses a simple hexagon shape to help you create a mind map around three main questions:

  1. What challenges do you want to address?
  2. What kind of people do you enjoy working with?
  3. What do you like to make?

Throughout the process, you sort through 75 cards quickly and then begin drawing connections across your mind map to see what types of interesting and meaningful projects you might do next. At the end, your final step will be to choose one of ten BOOSTER cards — resources you might need next to actually make your idea come to life.

Overall, the cards are a playful way to help you navigate transitions and dive deeper into your work by designing small Leaps that allow you to learn, grow, and change your world for the better.


The cards are used in classrooms, by life coaches, and with all types of individuals — from students to C-suite executives.

Which leads us to the first 29th Gift of the year. For the next 72 hours, you can purchase them for just $10 (71% off)! Buy one for yourself, or buy a bunch for your classroom, team, etc. You have until Friday at midnight.

Whether or not you snag your own deck, we hope this is a sign to step back and think about your next steps with a bit of play, creativity, and a good friend.

Learn more and snag yours here.

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