June 11, 2018

Halfway through 2018

Have you ever worked on something you love for so long, you’ve forgotten to check the time? Well, it’s past the halfway mark for 2018 and that’s how the Ei team and I have felt lately. Here’s a glimpse of what we’ve been building lately:

Coming to a Middle School or High School near you

Over the past six months, we’ve had the opportunity to begin working with nearly a dozen educators and over 130 students. We’re also going to host an educator meet-up on July 19th from 10:00am — 12:30pm in Chicago to share, listen, and learn with others excited about student-directed experiential learning. If that’s you, RSVP here: leapkit.eventbrite.com

Heading back to Stanford (+ new higher ed program in the works 🤫)

After spending the past year piloting an experiential learning program at Stanford with a handful of amazing graduate and undergrad students, we’ve been invited back to support a larger group of students in the coming year. We’re also gearing up to launch a new venture with our friends at SAGE Corps and a state university partner serving over 100,000 students.

New programs for the workplace

We’ve built a few new programs for the workplace with our friends at Performance Coaching — the legendary sports psychology firm that’s worked with hundreds of athletes and coaches, over 100 of whom have medaled at the Olympics and Paralympics. Their workplace education team has become some of our dearest friends and colleagues. The programs we’ve co-launched have served leaders and teams at Google, Leo Burnett, Method Homes, and Farmer’s Fridge. Also, last month our flagship LEAPS program won an International Employee Engagement Award!

If you’re searching for memorable, helpful programs for your teams to learn about leadership and innovation while doing real work that will impact your company, just reply to this email and we’ll find a time to connect.

Kids Books, Leap Kits, and something new!

We love creating beautiful tools and products for learners of all ages. Lately, we’ve been shipping a children’s book about learning, diversity, and identity (The Shapeless Shape) and a tool to help you design your next experience (Leap Kit). We’re also preparing for a special project we’re launching in 2020!

Thank you.

One year ago, Ei was navigating a few tight turns. But this year, we’re back on track with new partners, a larger team, and on the brink of serving more people than ever. We couldn’t be more grateful to those of you who’ve cheered, supported, and participated in our programs or snagged one of our products. Thank you!

Now buckle up! The next 18 months are going to be exciting. We can’t wait to help you navigate your life and work by learning through experience.

Thanks for being here!

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