August 09, 2023

Ei's Next Chapter

Today, I’m thrilled to finally be able to share this update on Experience Institute's next chapter!

Ei began at the end of 2012, a leap year. Over the past decade, we have helped thousands of people, from the most remarkable students to the most amazing leaders, learn and grow through transformative experiences.

2024 will be *another leap year* and it comes at an interesting time.

We’re emerging from a global pandemic, but our workplaces have not recovered. The workforce is wildly disengaged, AI is sparking a new level of both excitement and fear, and we’re about to head into another vicious election year while the job market dominates the conversation.

At Ei, we find hope in Leaps. When people take control of their learning, set meaningful goals, and build community rooted in support and curiosity, the future seems a lot less scary. We find power in the ability to adapt and grow together.

The workplace — whatever that might look like today — is where that growth is most needed. Employees of all kinds in all industries are burnt out, quiet quitting, fearing layoffs, and still struggling to make sense of remote and hybrid ways of operating. Employers want to support their people as they adapt and innovate. The path forward involves people supporting each other, with a deep sense of engagement and optimism.

With that in mind, Ei is launching our next chapter as a company. Here’s what that looks like:

  1. Focusing on the Workplace:
    Aside from my teaching position at Stanford, we will pause work with universities and focus on launching programs for workplaces & teams.

    This is a big shift for us and will help us point all of our resources towards helping build workplaces. We will continue to bring teams out of their routine to develop and enrich their skill sets by applying their learnings to business challenges and innovation opportunities. We hope to be the best partner on the planet for creating a space to experiment, make mistakes, and reach breakthroughs.

  2. Updates to our Learning Areas:
    Our content will focus on four cross-departmental areas core to employee growth: Leading Self, Storytelling, Management, and Innovation.

    To support, we've invested in growing our network of seasoned facilitators and practitioners. But it's not just our content and people that matters. We'll aim to foster communities of co-learners that bring your teams closer together and spark change that sticks.

  3. Supporting any part of the employee lifecycle:
    Moving forward, we'll be building Workshops or Multi-Part Programs that support all stages of the employee journey:

    + Internship Programs
    + Onboarding Programs
    + Individual Contributor Programs
    + High Potential Programs
    + Manager Programs
    + Executive Programs
    + Offsites

  4. Scale (with Soul):
    We're expanding our tech suite to scale personal, human-centric programming that supports feedback and coaching. Today, our learning programs are more impactful and scalable than ever.

  5. Book Project:
    I'm going to begin the lengthy journey of writing a book (working title "Leap: The Science of Getting From Here to There”). It will be a field guide to helping individuals and teams re-engage with their work and continue navigating the future through learning experiences.

Next: Launching Leaps together?

With all of that in mind, I'm there a group of people at your company who could benefit from learning core skills and designing a Leap around a business or industry challenge (new hires, managers, high-potentials, etc)? If you’re planning your Q4 and 2024 learning programs and are interested in discussing how the team and I can help, send a message or schedule a call.

Something special is beginning today. And I can't wait to share the journey with you along the way.

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