September 21, 2015


When I think about the most pivotal moments in my life, I often recall a conversation.

I remember the phone call with a mentor that encouraged me to take on my first job as a youth and family counselor. I remember another discussion with a close friend that drove me to try my hand as a songwriter.

Conversations have become the integral space for personal change and formation.

So what happens when the conversations become all too familiar? Does growth stop?

I spent the last ten years of my life working as a program developer, creative director, and community builder in the religious non-profit sector. Although there were some tough moments, I loved it. I never felt so supported. I felt freedom to dream and to grow… and I did just that – dreamt and grew.

Conversation after conversation, I was challenged to think differently. But then something happened. The conversations began to sound all too familiar. It seemed as if I were discussing the same topics over and over again. And no matter what I did to try to change the information flow, it didn’t shift.

So I did the only thing I knew I could do: I decided to take a leap.

This year, I am studying Design Strategy and Social Innovation. I am curious about design strategy and how it can be used in storytelling and organizational structure to change culture in both the private and public sectors.

I am excited to start a new journey of learning and self-reflection, but really I am excited to engage in new conversations of what could be.

This year, it’s time to welcome new topics of conversation, and, with them, the growth they will bring.

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