May 09, 2014

Connecting from afar

It can be a challenge at times to stay connected and feel like I am still being involved in Fargo while being gone.

Growing up in Fargo, I really enjoyed the town, but was not in love with it like I am now. The only way to describe what is happening here is to call it a renaissance. When I come home there is never enough time to do everything that I want, but despite this, I feel as if I am still building upon existing relationships and creating new connections.

After traveling and exploring new cities, I have grown to appreciate what is special about Fargo, and what I thought was “normal” is really quite unique. Along with my shift in perception, the community has become tighter knit, more innovative, and an even greater value for me to stay connected.

To do this successfully, I have realized the importance of always saying yes to making time for grabbing a cup of coffee with the people who I want to check in with one on one.

I always make sure to schedule time around events to spontaneously grab coffee with people. I also try and go to as many functions as possible when I am home. Being home for a week doesn’t allow for that many full face to face meetings, but by going to already scheduled parties and speaking events, I share a moment with many people at once.

It is important for me to make sure when I do schedule meetings that I keep a balance. There have been times when I have come home and not left any time for myself or to drop in on things because I am have booked myself non-stop.

Because of the small window of time being home, it makes a big difference to make room for meetings that must happen in person. As we all become more digitally inclined, a meeting with a person over Skype can be a huge asset . I try and think about the people I’d want to see when I am home and then schedule Skype calls with them a couple weeks before to free up the in person time for things that can’t happen over the web.

All of these things have helped me to continue to grow with my community has I experience a year away. My hope when I graduate from Ei in the fall is to move back to Fargo. It is like a giant magnet—I can’t stay away for long.

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