February 19, 2014

Applications Now Open!

Last September, a small group of students from around the country and from different industries met in Chicago to prototype a new type of school. We began by launching into two weeks of studying the same core curriculum focused on Community Building, Self Awareness, Storytelling, Operations, and Design Thinking.

Fall Applications Open

In tandem with the curriculum, the Ei Team helped connect the students to a company, organization, or project for their first 3-month experience. Some students stayed in Chicago while others traveled for their term.

Now, students have completed their second meetup and are just beginning their second round of experiences, ranging from working alongside leading architecture firms and ad agencies to relief work in the Philippines.

As they continue growing throughout this first year, we are learning a lot together. Our team is gaining a greater understanding of our values around lifelong learning, risk, exploration, mastery, generosity, and mentorship. More than ever before, we believe in this community and our mission.

Which is why the team and I would like to invite you to join the next class of 25 students.

Here's the scoop:

We're inviting you to join Ei’s next class if:

  • You want to grow as a creative, business leader, and design thinker.
  • You're contemplating graduate school.
  • You learn best through facing real-world challenges.
  • You identify problems as opportunities and have shown the ability to provide effective solutions.
  • You enjoy adapting to new cities and environments.

Experience Institute is a place where:

  • The curriculum focuses on storytelling, self-awareness, design thinking, community building, and operations—skills for success taught by those in the field.
  • We have an amazing communityof faculty and industry leaders who want to help you succeed.
  • We match you with a mentor for 12 months.
  • You’ll learn more about yourself and how you can apply your skills to making the world a better place.
  • The story of your year will be compelling and memorable as you speak with potential employers and future teammates.
  • Tuition is a fraction of the cost of grad school ($13,000).
  • Most apprenticeships are paid opportunities.
  • You will be a part of an innovative learning community that will provide you with new opportunities to give back.

We're excited to continue creating this new type of higher education and we hope you'll join us.

Victor and the Ei Team

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