April 09, 2014

Application Tips

Experience Institute is accepting applications for its fall class!

We’re looking for bright self-starters who are considering graduate school, but learn best from hands on experience. Candidates interested in business, design, technology, and/or social innovation can embark on year-long program of apprenticeships, mentoring from innovative business leaders, and group meetups to develop key skills in self awareness, storytelling, operations, UI/UX and design thinking.

While we’re excited to hear from you, we also know that applying for anything can be a daunting process. Take a look at our five simple tips for submitting a successful application.

Be Authentic

It’s important that we get a glimpse of who you really are. Show us where you come from, what you’ve done, and what your dreams for the future are. There’s no need to embellish and no need to be modest. Just be yourself. We like that.

Get Creative

We value creativity. We’re innovators, dreamers, doers, and change-makers. We challenge you to get creative with your application. Make us sit up and take notice. Examine the resources within your reach and discover how you can best put them to use in your application.

Find a Focus

Hone in on your goals. How can Experience Institute help you achieve the most through a year of experiential learning? Tell us what you hope to accomplish, what you’d like to learn, or what experiences you’d like to embark on—and why.

Double Check

No matter how creative your presentation or how focused your answers, it’s important to double check your application for mistakes. Small errors can stand out in a not-so-great way, so have a friend or mentor review your stuff before you click submit.

Don’t Procrastinate

We know everybody says it. But that’s because it’s important. Start your application early and give yourself enough time to develop and refine your answers. You’ll work better and produce stronger work without the added stress of imminent due dates and all-night cram sessions.

The deadline is May 1st, so get started today by visiting:


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