March 12, 2014

49: An e-book by Ei's Founding Students

During our first Meetup in September, the Founding Class was invited to East Chicago to collaborate with Jeff Leitner, the Dean of Insight Labs. He challenged our students to write a series of lessons that would eventually help shape the curriculum for a post-high school experiential education program, the Greenhouse Fellowship Project.

For weeks, the students compiled valuable lessons they learned throughout their own lives. Some were profound and some were simple, but all were honest learnings. And after democratic deliberation, the students narrowed it down to 49 core lessons—insightful reminders that would help guide the GFP fellows into creating truly meaningful work.

Though the lessons were originally for the fellows, the Founding Class soon realized that they should be shared to anyone yearning to learn, create, or improve anything. So, a simple book was born.

However, this isn’t a full-fledged how-to book. Rather, it is a series of lessons extracted from challenging journeys with the hopes to catalyze further exploration and discovery.

Along the way, we’ve learned the most profound lesson surface when you take a chance on your dreams and then risk to make them happen. We genuinely hope the book will inspire you to take those chances.

You can order your copy of 49 for your Kindle or iPad. All of the profits go towards making Experience Institute’s curriculum better for our future students. Also, if you’d like to see a sample of the book, just sign up for our newsletter and we’ll send it straight to your inbox.

Here’s to making great things, together.

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