Leading Self

Build Your Professional Brand

Cultivate a professional brand to foster deeper intentionality in the way teammates work

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Virtual, In-person, or Hybrid with pre-content & 1-on-1 support

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Build Your Professional Brand

Course Overview

A brand is a relationship between an entity and the people who engage with it. Today more than ever, the term has shifted from companies and products, to every individual. Each person has an opportunity to determine how they want to show up on their teams and in the world at large. This workshop employs a simple but powerful framework to bridge self-awareness and a relationship-centric approach to building a brand.

Course Takeaways

Articulate a specific professional brand that empowers and drives alignment

Employ a powerful exercise to define and redefine a professional brand at various career stages

Experience deeper connections with colleagues through discussing brand guides

Define new activities for aligning work and life to a professional brand

Reflect on the alignment between how they want to be perceived and how others see them

I feel far more willing to iterate and fail in service of succeeding more down the line. More open to collaboration, opening up the creative process to others, and am far more self-aware about my work style now.

Our Methodology

Learn through Experience

Experiences are what change how we see ourselves and the world. People who thrive are curious, focused, have a bias towards action, and pursue ongoing learning.

Ei's methodology is rooted in the belief that the deepest learning occurs through experience. Each workshop addresses specific personal or organizational challenges and then cycles through the pillars of experiential learning.

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