

Confidence in Action

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90-mins + 7 day application
Virtual, In-person, or Hybrid with pre-content & 1-on-1 support

Curriculum Guide

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Course Overview

Nearly 75% of the population experiences anxiety associated with public speaking. And yet, having the ability to communicate ideas, vision, and information is key to career growth and team alignment.

In this interactive workshop, participants will be introduced to the essentials of how to prepare, practice, and present information in a compelling manner, whether for an audience of five or five thousand. Drawing on the experience and insights of top orators and communication experts of our time, participants will leave with a clear and repeatable process for preparing for a presentation and an understanding of individualized tactics to increase confidence, connect with the audience, and deliver a memorable message.

Course Takeaways

Understand the role of storytelling in public speaking and how it can be leveraged to connect with an audience

Attain the building blocks for crafting impactful and memorable speeches or presentations

Practice key components of what makes an effective delivery to in-person or virtual audiences

Learn personal strengths from the “stage” and know how and when to leverage them

Design a personalized plan for preparing, practicing, and presenting

Experiment with body language and voice that connects, inspires, and motivates

The real-world application for what we learned was seamless — and being able to practice within the 'safety' of the workshop was fantastic.

Our Methodology

Learn through Experience

Experiences are what change how we see ourselves and the world. People who thrive are curious, focused, have a bias towards action, and pursue ongoing learning.

Ei's methodology is rooted in the belief that the deepest learning occurs through experience. Each workshop addresses specific personal or organizational challenges and then cycles through the pillars of experiential learning.

Questions about our programs?

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