
Architecture of Stories

Tell a story that sticks, every time

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Curriculum Guide

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Architecture of Stories

Course Overview

Our brains are wired for stories; information conveyed through a story sticks with us. In this workshop, team members learn a proven framework for crafting compelling stories. They analyze examples from great stories, and practice three simple structures as they “architect” a real story of a work project or pitch. They’ll leave thinking of themselves as storytellers, and equipped to infuse magic into all their stories, from client pitches to team pep talks.

Course Takeaways

• Understand the brain science behind why humans are drawn to stories

Apply proven storytelling frameworks to turn a work product (e.g. team project, client pitch) into a story in order to make it more compelling, motivating, and memorable

Gain confidence as a storyteller that creates stories at work, aiming for prototypes as opposed to perfection

Compile story pieces: main character, starting state, ending state, obstacles, and actions

Give stories shape using the Story Spine framework

Make a story sticky using 3 "magic" ingredients: details, drama, and meaning

I really like how practical it was...Lots of times when we're communicating we think we're just giving information, but I appreciated thinking about how we actually do storytelling.

Our Methodology

Learn through Experience

Experiences are what change how we see ourselves and the world. People who thrive are curious, focused, have a bias towards action, and pursue ongoing learning.

Ei's methodology is rooted in the belief that the deepest learning occurs through experience. Each workshop addresses specific personal or organizational challenges and then cycles through the pillars of experiential learning.

We've helped thousands of workplace learners with our programs and products.

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